: This is blog is about you, my readers that are seeking government assistance or already receive public assistance and need help.
Merriam Webster dictionary defines "Public Assistance ":
. Government aid to needy, aged, or disabled people and to dependent children
How many people fall under this category? Plenty! There are one out of six people receiving government assistance in America. In my opinion, there are plenty more, but do you know where to receive assistance? How many times a year or how many sources/places can you go to get help? Do you know how to qualify for help?
These are the questions I am asked every day and I am going to tell you how to get the needed help you deserve. I will also post advice regarding bettering your home situation, and not need the help of the government to get by. There is a terrible reputation on people who receive public assistance. Have you ever wondered why? The reason is that because when some people get help through the government, they tend to become dependent on those resources that should only be used temporally.
I would love to hear feedback from my readers. I will also answer questions that you may have regarding a certain topic or agency.
"I feel like I am getting closer to my path and this blog will lead the way."