It is the beginning of May 2012 and you do not have your rent payment this month. Maybe you have not paid your rent for several months and keep receiving letters from your landlord threatening to kick you out. You’re shaking in your boots and stressing about where you’re going to come up with this payment. Your mind is wondering about where your family is going to go if you get evicted. Does this sound familiar? I know how you feel and most of us have been there.
Please realize there are large sums of people looking for rent assistance. There may be many reasons why you do not have the rent payment. Maybe you lost your job and have no income at the moment or your utility bill was due and at the time it was more important. Whatever the reason is your wondering what can fix it.
This is a ten point guide to find the rent assistance you need. Now as always I have to bring you to reality and let you know that searching for rent help is very hard to find and especially in rural areas of the country. Take these suggestions and find the help you need, but remember nothing is guaranteed.
Ten point guide to finding rent assistance:
1. Write a summary about why you were behind on rent.
2. Write a statement about what you will do in the future to prevent you from getting behind again.
3. Write an amount that you will be able to put toward the rent
4. Write any illness you may have and how many children or elderly people are in the household.
5. Find local agencies that may assist with financial assistance.
a. Go to –Click topic area & choose rental assistance-Click housing counseling agency (There is listing of organizations that may help with housing)
b. Contact large nonprofit agencies in your city, such as: Salvation Army, Urban League, or United Way to name a few.
c. If you have a major illness, Find the chapter of your city such as: MS Society, American Cancer Association, or Epilepsy Foundation, etc.
6. Find local churches in your area, neighborhood, or city.
a. Look in a phone book for local churches
i. Ask about social ministries program (social ministries inside a church will help non-church members with funds toward their needs)
b. Find churches by using church directories
NOTE: The best church to start seeking assistance is around your neighborhood within 8-10 blocks of your house.
7. Make a list containing all agencies and churches found.
8. Call each number on your list and ask the following questions:
a. (For Agencies) Does your agency have any funds available to rent assistance? Here’s where your summary document come in handy. With agencies, advise customer service rep on why you were behind & what you will do in the future.
b. (For Churches) State-“ I’m calling because I am in despite need of rent assistance because (say what on your statement document) and I was wondering if your church had any funds to help with this or does your church have social ministries that would be able to help. I can put $$$ amount of money towards my rent. But I would only need $$$ amount to help pay it in full”.
9. Once you have a “yes”, make sure you write that agency on a different paper for future reference.
10. Apply and bring any documents that are needed: proof of income, picture ID, social security cards for all household members, a current bill, etc.
Note: You may be thinking, calling churches sound crazy especially if you are not a member. Well think again, churches were around before agencies and most will help their community.
In some areas, rent is almost non-existent and when there are funds available it may have several restrictions. The best way to go about getting rent assistance is to tag team the situation- By contacting agencies and churches.
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